Why are Employee Assistance Programs so Widely Utilized?
People bring who they are to what they do. Most organizations and managers are unprepared to deal with difficult and sensitive “people issues” that may consume a great deal of time and/or put the organization at considerable risk. Consider the cost and impact of a workplace violence or sexual harassment case.
Focused on prevention, the EAPs of today have expanded in philosophy and scope. In addition to providing assistance with alcohol and drug abuse problems, they provide confidential assistance to employees for a variety of personal difficulties ranging from family, marital, legal, and financial issues to various career problems or other personal, or stress related problems. Through assessment, short-term consultation and referrals to appropriate treatment providers, EAPs are designed to provide the timely intervention for those problems that, if ignored, could lead to more costly and extensive care. Thus, the corporate emphasis today has shifted from terminating or punishing the impaired or troubled worker to helping him or her to gain health, improve well-being, and boost productivity. The outcome is a “win-win” from a financial or humanistic standpoint.
Other added benefits include accident reduction, decreased grievances, improved attendance and labor-management relations, decreased job turnover, reduced absenteeism, and reduced disability costs. With the increasing workforce diversity, and added complexity of managing any form of business from a strategic, operational, or financial standpoint, maximum program effectiveness and ROI, is attained by those organizations focused on customized programs that are strategically aligned to their workforce and business strategy. Typical ROI figures range from $3 to $15 for every dollar invested in the program.
The Strategic EAP Services Overview…
As a strategic business partner and organizational consultancy, the EAP can assist through the alignment of your organization’s strategy, core business processes, and HR initiatives. This integrative approach extends the reach of any existing educational, wellness, or insurance plan based EAP provider services you may have by maintaining a “high-touch”, customized focus not available through 800 number referral programs.
Other Unique Program Features Include:
- Needs assessment and workforce demographic analysis
- Analysis of organizational culture and performance issues
- Customized program designs tailored to identified behavioral and health risk factors to enhance managed care, disease management, and wellness program effectiveness
- Management consultation and training
- Collaboration and interface with various internal departments and systems to align services with internal policies and procedures – such as labor relations, EEO, risk management, drug-free workplace, fitness for duty and return to work procedures
- Coordination with various HR functions and initiatives – orientation, training and development, leadership development, compliance training, change management, FMLA, ADA requirements, fitness for duty and return to work assessment and planning
- Alignment with organization’s strategic planning and objectives through measurement and performance tracking
In addition, a strategically-focused EAP allows you to extend the reach of any existing program while conveniently accessing a depth and breadth of expertise utilizing best practices in medical and business related fields to manage and prevent complex problems that hamper productivity.
Core EAP Services Include:
- Assessment
- Short-term Counseling
- Managed Referrals Based on Treatment Needs Matching
- Managed Mandatory Referrals Based on Organizational Policies, or Regulatory Compliance Requirements (DOT, Drug-free Workplace, Labor Agreements)
- Case Management
- Fitness for Duty Assessment and Return to Work Planning
- Assessing Threats of Violence
- Crisis Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
- Mediation, Team Building, and Conflict Management
- Performance Coaching
- Wellness Coaching
- Management and OD Consultation
- Management / Executive Coaching
- Career Development / Mentoring
Other individualized consultation services include customized EAP and wellness related educational programs, providing internal organizational development consulting, performance coaching, and related organizational interventions to enhance productivity, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and/or conflict resolution.
For More Information on Customizing EAP Services to Align with Your Organization's Strategy Please Contact:
Dr. Nadeen Medvin
Clinical and Industrial/Organizational Psychologist
(305) 815-1129
© 2013, Nadeen Medvin, Ph.D., PA, All Rights Reserved.